How to Grow Microgreens in Your Home & Make $100,000+ a Year
John from visits City-Hydro in Baltimore, MD who makes over $100,000 a year growing microgreens in a bedroom.
In this episode, you will discover how you can easily grow microgreens in your home to improve the health of you and your family. You will also discover how you can make over $100,00 a year growing microgreens and how to get a FREE 2 Day hands-on training on how to grow microgreens.
First, John will show you how you can grow a tray of microgreens in your kitchen with a simple metro style shelf. You will also discover some of the health benefits of eating these micro vegetables.
Next, you will share why the farmer started growing microgreens in his extra bedroom. You will get a full tour of his growing operation seeing all the different equipment he is using to grow the microgreens.
You will then discover how to grow the microgreens including detailed information on using the best seeds, best water, best trays, best-growing medium, and much, much more.
John will take you on a further tour of the grow room sharing with you some common and uncommon tips and tricks about growing microgreens and how he enjoys eating the microgreens.
Jump to the following parts of this episode
0:02:21 Growing Microgreens in your Kitchen
0:07:29 Bedroom Converted into Micro Farm
0:09:50 POV Tour of Microgreens Farm
0:13:18 Best Seeds to Grow Microgreens
0:17:13 Proper Water to Use to Grow Microgreens
0:18:39 Best Trays to Grow Microgreens
0:22:40 Best Growing Media
0:24:50 How to Seed a Tray of Microgreens
0:26:00 How to sterilize seeds before germination
0:27:29 Create Proper Germination Environment
0:28:10 Germination Rack (No Lights)
0:29:55 Growing Rack with LED Lights
0:34:15 How to Ensure you are Regulated Less When growing Microgreens
0:35:05 Specific Microgreens that can be grown easily without hassle
0:36:17 My tip for growing microgreens
0:37:17 How Much electricty and water does it take?
0:37:42 How to handle fruit flys and bugs?
0:39:10 Definition of Microgreens
0:40:17 Best Vegan Food to Eat that is Grown Veganically
0:42:59 How to Best Eat Your Microgreens
Finally, John will interview Larry, the farmer at City Hydro and ask him the following questions:
0:44:52 Why did you start growing microgreens as a business?
0:47:00 Is it true you only sell inside your zip code and you are maxed out?
0:49:56 How many hours a day do you work?
0:50:21 How to Learn How to Grow Microgreens and Start Your Own Business for $1000
0:51:54 Are the Microgreens you are growing organic?
0:53:10 Do you really only use water to grow your microgreens?
0:54:03 Did you design the system here to grow microgreens?
0:55:57 How much does it cost to grow microgreens? How much do they sell for?
0:57:14 How many farms have you set up in the World?
0:58:57 Why are you open sourcing your information about growing microgreens?
1:00:56 Any final comments or thoughts for my viewers?
After watching this episode, you will learn how to grow microgreens using the best practices and how you can start your own microgreens business including training for as low as $1000.00
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