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Growing Microgreens in Your Kitchen

Growing microgreens in your kitchen is a convenient way to keep you family in fresh greens during times of emergency. They are also fun to grow and use on a regular basis. And they are very high in nutrition. There are lots of seeds that can be used for microgreens. Check your local seed distributor for lists of microgreen seeds. Store a supply of these seeds for emergency times. Here are the ones we show in this video:
Arugula germinated on day 2, cut on day 6
Daikon Radish germinated on day 2 cut on day 6
Amaranth germinated on day 4 cut on day 13
Pak Choi germinated on day 2 cut on day 6
Chard germinated on day 3 cut on day 6
Mizuna Mustard germinated on day 2 cut on day 6
Genovese Basil germinated on day 4 cut on day 13

1/13/2021 We just started a Facebook page! Here is the link:

About the music: Pineapple Breeze by Allison & Vexento

Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

Originally Posted Here

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