How to Grow Basil Microgreens – Full Walk-through with TIPS & TRICKS + Recipes!
🥳Guess what!? We finally made a Basil Microgreens full walk-through! Basil microgreens are a lovely addition to use on top of food such as a Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Honey or on a Caprese Salad. You can even make an amazing Microgreen Basil Pesto!! Their flavor is also nice and Basily!
✅In this video we show you how we like to grow both our Genovese and Lemon Basil Microgreens Hydroponically on the grow medium Coco coir, and we even threw in 3 Simple and Quick Recipes at the end to show you how easy they are to use! This grow method can be applied to growing basil microgreens on soil, only difference is you bottom water soil with regular pH balanced tap water instead of adding nutrients to the water like we do with coco coir, since soil already has enough nutrients in it naturally.
Its been a lot of fun (and very yummy 😋) for us doing these recipes!! If you want even more tasty recipes to use Basil and many other microgreens in, be sure to check out our Paperback & eBook “36 Easy & Unique Microgreen Recipes” that we have linked below! And if you’d also like to take your microgreen skills to the next level and truly learn everything we know from 2019 to 2021 of growing them, be sure to check out our book “Becoming a Microgreen Master”
Thank you everyone who’s been super excited and patient while waiting for this Basil video! If you have any fun ways you like to use Basil let us know in the comments!👩🍳👨🌾
Hope y’all enjoy our new video!!🌱
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Originally Posted Here