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Growing Microgreens #shorts

Thanks to my friend Marty from @martysgarden for inspiring me to grow microgreens many years ago! 💚🌱🌱

🤩Microgreens are known to contain 4 to 40X more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than their mature counterparts! (Nutrient analysis conducted by The Department of Nutrition and Food Science at the University Of Maryland)

1️⃣Fill a tray with about an inch of growing medium (we use coconut coir and worm castings). Sow and spread seeds evenly.

2️⃣Press the seeds down with your hand and mist them with water. Soil should not be soggy, but damp. ✳️OPTIONAL: Adding weight keeps seeds in contact with soil, retains moisture, and assists in even germination. This also promotes strong, healthy stems, and roots. You can use canned food, bricks, or sandbags as weight. The bottles of wine used each weigh 3.5 pounds. Anywhere from 3-7 pounds works. The weight is beneficial for certain seeds such as sunflower, pea, kale, cabbage, (most brassicas), chard, beet, cilantro, and basil.

3️⃣Place trays in the dark until seeds germinate. Keep them covered with another tray for two to three days to block the light. The blackout period elongates their stems, giving you more harvest and making gathering them easier. Place trays on a south-facing windowsill (6+ hours of daylight) or under grow lights (12 hours daily) keeping trays 6-12” from it. Ensure proper ventilation as stagnant air can increase the risk of mold growth.

4️⃣Mist trays 1-2X daily till seeds sprout or when soil looks and or feels dry. When stems and leaves appear, continue misting as needed. We start bottom watering after the blackout period or when the roots are nearly reaching the bottom tray. About 1 cup of water is sufficient for 13×9 trays. Water as needed when trays feel light in weight or when the soil feels dry. Drain excess water not absorbed by the soil.

5️⃣After the emergence and expansion of the cotyledons or seed leaves, they’re ready for harvesting, however, you may wait till true leaves appear. We usually harvest when they’re around two inches tall, but they are best harvested before their true leaves emerge as they contain the most nutrients during this stage. Herb microgreens develop their aroma and flavor more as true leaves form.

Are you growing microgreens?🌱💚

#shorts #microgreens #growfood #vegetablegardening #organicgardening #gardeningtips

Originally Posted Here

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