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Health Benefits

Are microgreens healthy than regular veggies? . micro-greens like red cabbage, cilantro, and radish

Are microgreens healthy than regular veggies?
micro-greens like red cabbage, cilantro, and radish and more, contain up to 40 times higher levels of vital nutrients than their mature counterparts ?

Never grown micro greens before? Don’t worry!

@sandra.urbangarden is here to help you become a sprouting champion in your kitchen!
– I use PAPER TOWELS as growing Medium. I didn’t even worry a bit about “bleach” paper Towel, since we use it daily. But you are welcome to use any type of paper you like.
– Double layers and Wet the paper towels first.
– I used Chai seeds, Broccoli, radishes, Alfalfa seeds (I ordered in bulk on Amazon will link in story)
– I Soaked the seeds for 12-24H to speed up the germination process.
– Spread the seeds evenly on wet paper towels
– Stack the Trays and press with heavy objects for a couple days.
– Spray drinking water twice a day.
– Bring them out by the window when it grow tiny yellow leave , microgreens require light for photosynthesis, so the leaves will turn to a bright green color.
– It takes 7-10 days from seeds to harvest.

Would you try this at home? ?

Originally Posted Here

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